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How to POST to a REST service

How to use send a POST request to a REST API for your GraphQL API

Setting the HTTP Method to Use for a REST API

Changing the HTTP method StepZen uses to call a REST API is as simple as setting the method attribute of the @rest directive. The supported methods are:

  • GET : the default method
  • POST: allows setting a request body using the postbody attribute.
  • PUT: allows setting a request body using the postbody attribute.
  • PATCH: allows setting a request body using the postbody attribute.

Sending an HTTP POST request to an API endpoint is as simple as adding the method attribute to the @rest directive and setting the value to POST.

Generation of Request Body

StepZen will automatically generate the HTTP request body using all query or mutation arguments. For example, consider a query defined as follows:

type Query {
  formPost(firstName: String! lastName: String!): JSON
      method: POST
      endpoint: ""

This query accepts two string values and returns a JSON scalar. The contenttype has not been set, so defaults to application/json. The postbody has not been set, so StepZen will automatically generate a simple JSON body using the query argument names and values:


If we change the contenttype to application/x-www-form-urlencoded, StepZen will generate a form-encoded request body.

type Query {
  formPost(firstName: String! lastName: String!): JSON
      method: POST
      contenttype: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
      endpoint: ""

The above sdl results in a body of:


If you need to change the field names in the automatically generated bodies, you can do that using the arguments attribute for the directive. In the example below we have changed the names from camelCase to snake_case:

type Query {
  formPost(firstName: String! lastName: String!): JSON
      method: POST
      endpoint: ""
      arguments: [
        {argument:"firstName", name:"first_name"},
        {argument:"lastName", name:"last_name"}

This will work for both application/json and x-www-form-urlencoded bodies.

We only need to use postbody when we need to customize the request body more than simply renaming fields. For example, if we need to add fields, or generate a more complex structure. When performing variable substitution in the postbody, we need to use the Go language template syntax.

For example, consider a query that uses the Client Credentials flow to obtain an OAuth token. Since the grant_type argument is not included in the query definition, we need to add it to the request body.

type Query {
  token(client_id: String! client_secret: String!): Token
      endpoint: "<oauth token endpoint"
      method: POST
      contenttype: "x-www-form-urlencoded"
      postbody: """
      grant_type=client_credentials&client_id={{ .Get "client_id" }}&client_secret={{ .Get "client_secret"}}

As shown in the above example, StepZen provides a special function for use in the postbody template, Get. Get("client_id") will retrieve the argument client_id as a string and substitute it into the postbody. StepZen also provides a function named GetJSON, invoked in the template as .GetJSON("<variable>"), which returns the JSON value of the variable.

Get is limited to returning scalar values; values that can be represented as a string (e.g. String, Float, Integer, Boolean). It will return "" if a value is null. GetJSON can be used to return any JSON value.

Get and GetJSON will search for variables along a search path so you can substitute in more than just query arguments, for example. First the functions check any configuration values configured for the @rest directive, then they will check any JWT private claims, and finally they will check the operation arguments.

Consider a JSON payload from our earlier example, but our JSON payload needs to be more complex:

    "firstName": "first name",
    "lastName": "last name"
type Query {
  logUser(firstName: String! lastName: String!): JSON
      endpoint: ""
      postbody: """
        "user": {
          "firstName": "{{ .Get "firstName" }}",
          "lastName": "{{ .Get "lastName" }}"

Since we are not automatically generating the body of the request, the GraphQL query arguments will be automatically appended to the request URL as parameters in a query string, e.g.<value>&lastName=<value>. We can tell StepZen not to append GraphQL query arguments as query string parameters by setting the stepzen.queryextensionguard attribute to true in the config.yaml file as follows:

  - configuration:
      name: "config"
      stepzen.queryextensionguard: true

Our final query schema is:

type Query {
  logUser(firstName: String! lastName: String!): JSON
      endpoint: ""
      postbody: """
        "user": {
          "firstName": "{{ .Get "firstName" }}",
          "lastName": "{{ .Get "lastName" }}"
      configuration: "config"

Example of PATCH and DELETE

To run a PATCH or DELETE HTTP method rather than the default POST method, add the method argument to the @rest directive in the schema.

type Query {
  logUser(firstName: String lastName: String): JSON
      endpoint: ""
      method: PATCH
      arguments: [
        {argument:"firstName", name:"first_name"},
        {argument:"lastName", name:"last_name"}
type Query {
  deleteUser(userID: ID!): JSON
      endpoint: ""
      method: DELETE